Imprint (Impressum) This website is maintained by Klaus W. Boening, Dresden, Germany, email Legal Notice Limitation of liability for internal content The content of this website is for information only and it is not warranted in any way or form, and any use of said content is at the reader's own risk. The author shall not be held responsible in any way for any damages or injuries arising from the content of this web site. Limitation of liability for external links External links are being provided for information only. As the content of these websites is not under control of the author, he cannot assume any liability for such external content. In all cases the provider of information of the linked websites is liable for the content provided. At the time the links were placed, no infringements of the law were recognizable. Copyright The content on this website is governed by German copyright laws. Any duplication, processing, distribution or any form of utilization for commercial use shall require the prior written consent of the author. Feel free to use any content of this website for DIY, personal or educational purpose. Finally . . .the content on this website is not commercial in any way. This means that I do not sell schematics, concepts, PCB's, kits, components or anything like that. This website is information only. Back to Main Page